
Rocky Sunset-Shellie Ridenhour

(an acrostic prayer written for Edge Baptist Church Homecoming 2014)

Heavenly Father, creator and sustainer of us all, we come today to celebrate You and Your people known as Edge Baptist Church.

Open our hearts and minds as we rumble through our memories as we worship You and remember Your workings here in this place, Father.

Move us from our memories of You working in the past to the realization that You are still working here and will continue to work here, through and among Your people.

Enlighten us, once again, Father, with the power and realness of Your word in Your world today as we worship.

Carry us from our self-serving, self-seeking ways, to Your will of love, peace, joy and humility, dear Father,

Over and above everything we think we are or have been here, Father, help us to remember that You are God and we are not!

Mercy, Lord, we seek Your mercy as we come asking for Your forgiveness of our sins. May Your grace shower all around us today.

Infill us with Your Holy Spirit, Father, that we may see where You are calling us to be and to do Your will today.

Negate our wandering minds and hardened hearts as we worship today, Father. May we be pliable in Your will again that we may make You known in this place and beyond these walls.

God and Father of us all, we thank You and bless Your Holy name as we worship and celebrate today. May we look back with the anticipation of going forward in Your will as you still call us.

 In the name of the one who created us and has sustained us in these years and today, even Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!

The Path Continues…